Love the Heights
Love the Heights is a movement inspired by the late Paul James Quinn, a long-time neighbor I never had the pleasure to meet, but spread his love for Goodyear Heights far, wide, and frequently. He influenced my family’s decision to move here & I spotted him once, riding his vintage Whizzer motorized bicycle past my Heights home.
“I believe we are far more alike than we are different.”
Uplift others to uplift the neighborhood
Goodyear Heights is very much a neighborhood in transition. I long to see empty storefronts filled, vacant lots turned into gardens, and old homes fixed up & loved. I’d love to see more neighbors walking on the sidewalks - with strollers or with their leashed dogs, meeting at a coffee shop to catch up, or chatting at the end of a driveway. But I’m just one person. So I do a lot of little things that I hope will inspire others to be the change Akron needs.
Sometimes I collaborate with others (businesses, non-profits, houses of faith, government, etc.) in order to leverage small acts of kindness into big ones. Finding common ground and understanding diverse view points is a way for the community as a whole to move forward.
Mixed Cooperative
Community Development
I’m not even sure if there’s a term for what I do in the Heights. I volunteer time picking up litter everyday, I sell Goodyear Heights themed merchandise at a couple shops in the neighborhood to instill neighborhood pride (thank you Bay Window Thrift & Collectibles and Pioneer Market), and I create clubs & events to get residents engaged with the community. I call all of these efforts “Love the Heights projects.” Even this community website, GoodyearHeights.org, is a Love the Heights project.
I am a bit of a serial volunteer/entrepreneur, so I have a range of projects. My main motivation is to see the residents and the neighborhood thrive. Litter dumped in vacant lots makes people feel bad. By just picking up little bits everyday while I walk my dog, we have gotten so much off the street. If something is larger (like couches or tires dumped in parks or vacant lots) I call for reinforcements & Keep Akron Beautiful and Akron 311 always come to the rescue. And events help residents get outside their homes and meet their neighbors.
I’ve listed my Love the Heights projects below. A main goal of GoodyearHeights.org is to make it easier for others to start & grow their neighborhood projects, too. If you’d like to add a volunteer opportunity or help out on an existing one, I invite you to come & get involved!
❤️ the Heights,
Love the Heights projects
Trash Dragons Litter Pickers
Ten dedicated volunteers in Ward 10 have been empowered with never-wear-out aluminum litter tongs to pick up litter around their neighborhood blocks, at their own pace. Dragons are the mascot at East CLC and mythically, dragons are the protectors of rivers & streams like the Little Cuyahoga river that wraps around the base of Goodyear Heights.
$300 funded by a 2022 Akron City Council Neighborhood Partnership Grant with Wingfoot Church acting as fiscal agent.
Fall 2022-ongoing
'Our Heights Story' history mural referencing Goodyear's rubber workers for whom the neighborhood was built
Prior to the painting of the fall 2023 mural on the side of Pioneer Market, nothing in the oldest section of historic Goodyear Heights (phase one) mentioned the rubber workers who called the Heights home. Inspired by the Broadway musical “Hamilton,” the mural tells the story of the Heights in a modern street art style. References to Para rubber trees & even pioneering blimp pilot Melvin Vaniman and his tabby cat Kiddo appear in the mural.
$2800 funded by a 2022 Akron City Council Neighborhood Partnership Grant with Wingfoot Church acting as fiscal agent. Artist is Shea Flaherty of Art by Shea Flaherty.
Completed Fall 2023
Goodyear Heights Garden Walk
Goodyear Heights was designed in Garden City style by landscape architect Warren Manning. Multiple pocket parks, the 410 acre Goodyear Heights Metro Park, three community gardens, and residential gardens all work in concert to provide many unique greenspaces throughout the Heights. The annual garden walk highlights select spots every year and spectators are welcome to tour the sites at their own pace on garden walk day. Locations are plotted on a Google map & paper copies are also available.
$400 funded by a 2022 Akron City Council Neighborhood Partnership Grant with Wingfoot Church acting as fiscal agent.
Fall 2023;
Summer 2024-ongoing -
Saving Heights History Group
An online Facebook group that saves information, photos, and stories pertaining to Goodyear Heights and in some cases, the history of Goodyear. In-person meetings are usually held the last Thurs of the month at the Goodyear Branch Library, from 6-7pm. Check the events page for updates. (*No monthly meeting in June 2024 as the Jane’s Walk history tours will be taking place instead.)
Fall 2022- ongoing online;
Spring 2024-added monthly in-person meetings with guest speakers -
Keep Heights BOOtiful
Decorating for Halloween is serious business in the Heights. Keep Heights BOOtiful is a neighborhood house & yard decorating contest that Love the Heights ran in Oct 2022 on the Goodyear Heights group page on Facebook. Prizes for the top three were sponsored by Ward 10 representative Connor. Since the Facebook group was archived in 2023, there was no way to digitally run the contest. In 2024, the GoodyearHeights.org website (another Love the Heights project) will run & host the contest.
October 2022;
October 2024-ongoing -
CoCoRaHS Weather Watchers
Five volunteers with professional rain gauges, snow rulers, and hail measuring sticks are positioned throughout the Heights and report precipitation data to the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network whose data is then used by the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration to better understand weather patterns.
$500 funded by a 2022 Akron CIty Council Neighborhood Partnership Grant with Wingfoot Church acting as fiscal agent.
Spring 2024-ongoing
Community Bloc Party
A little meet & greet block party for all residents living in voting precinct Akron 10-H. Cookout/potluck, yard games, and voter registration party was held as part of my civic duties as a precinct captain (PC) for Akron 10-H. Voted in on March 19, 2024 with my term being four years, I am the representative to the Democratic Party of Summit County (Member County Central Committee - Democrat) for the 150 households in my precinct. (The GOP PC is up for election in 2026.) Some of my good friends are on the other side of the political spectrum, but common ground tends to be a lot wider than people think.
$300 funding for food provided by the Freedom Bloc in order to promote community engagement, get neighbors to meet each other, and to provide an opportunity to register to vote.
Spring 2024
NEW! Goodyear Heights Community Garage Sale Day (2024 date is July 20th)
Halfway between Memorial Day & Labor Day, the third Saturday in July will be a community garage sale day where everyone holds sales at the same time.
List your sale with GoodyearHeights.org to be included on the neighborhood sale map for the day. Check out the events page for updates.
Third Sat in July 2024-recurring annually
NEW! Goodyear Heights Car Show
Plans are in the works for a car show in August! Details are still being worked out. Check the GoodyearHeights.org event page for updates.
August 2024
NEW! Jane's Walks in Goodyear Heights
Jane’s Walks are free, resident led walks where residents talk about history, stories, and ideas for the future. Anyone can led a Jane’s Walk. For summer 2024, Love the Heights will organize four mini-walks of 20-25min each, centered around the historic phase one section of Goodyear Heights. Walks are flat, accessible, and a mixture of walking and standing. They will take place right before the music & market days at Public Square Triangle Park. Meet up spot to start is the Warren Manning sidewalk mural at Pioneer & Goodyear Blvd. For schedule & updates, see goodyearheights.org/events
Summer 2024-ongoing
A website dedicated to all things Goodyear Heights that is able to reach more residents & businesses than a social media page. Readers can find information on how to get things fixed, learn about news & events, and register to volunteer at community events.
$300 in funding & volunteer labor supported by Love the Heights merchandise sold at Bay Window Thrift & Collectibles, Pioneer Market, and Rubber City Clothing Co.
Spring 2024-ongoing
COMING SOON: Love the Heights Merch & Custom Doodle Art Shop (Online)
Want to support Love the Heights? Buy merch or commission a custom doodle illustraton that can be turned into something else like a t-shirt, logo, sticker, magnet or button. This funding model is inspired by Sojourner Truth’s practice of selling copies of her portrait to support her advocacy (“I sell the shadow to support the substance.”)
Summer 2024-ongoing
Love the Heights Blog on Facebook
The project that started it all, I began blogging about my litter picking adventures, neighborhood explorations, local history, and Heights photographs on Facebook at Love the Heights - Goodyear Heights, Akron, OH. As it is a public page, it is viewable even without logging into Facebook. The Love the Heights blog is still very much active and includes shares of relevant Heights happenings as well as original content. After getting my first ipad for my birthday in 2023, my digital drawings and doodles now occasionally appear on the blog.
Spring 2021 - ongoing